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Договор обязательного страхования гражданской ответственности работодателя

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Не могу найти в интернете на английском языке Договора обязательного страхвания гражданской ответсвтенности работодателя.


Если знаете, дайте, пожалуйста, ссылку. :)


Спасибо большое заранее!


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нет, это я тебе могу точно сказать. ты не первый кто спрашивает. если есть желание можешь перевести


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Можете позвонить в Право.Уз. Возможно, у них есть английская версия.


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Можете позвонить в Право.Уз. Возможно, у них есть английская версия.


нет у них, как и у Нормы


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Есть такой вариант:


Public Liability Insurance Contract


____, hereinafter referred to as “Employer”, represented by ____, acting on the basis of the Statute from one part and


____, hereinafter referred to as «Insurer», represented by ____, acting on the basis of the Statute, from the other part,


have concluded this Contract about the following:


1. Subject of the Contract


1. The insurer shall, in accordance with this Contract and the Rules of obligatory insurance of civil liability of the employer, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "24" June 2009 № 177, in case of the insurance event to reimburse to the employer, the victim or the assurer damage to life or health of the employee in relation to an industrial injury, occupational disease or other impairment of health workers related to the performance of work duties during the period of this contract.


2. Insurance amount and insurance premium


2. The insurance amount under this contract is _____, including burial expenses for a single insured in the amount of not more than three times the minimum wage established by law at the day of his death in case of death of the employee.


2.1. The premium for this contract is ____.


2.2. The insurance premium is paid as a lump sum within five business days from the date of this contract.


3. Coming into force and validity of the contract


3.1. This Contract shall enter into force upon signature and shall be valid for one year.


Obligations of the Insurer shall be effective 00 hours. 00 minutes. days following the date of receipt of the insurance premium to the account of the Insurer, and ends in 24 hours 00 minutes. end date of the insurance period specified in the policy on obligatory insurance.




3.2. Insurance premium paid by the Employer, or by wite transferring or cash transferring to the account of the Insurer. The date of payment of premiums for obligatory insurance contract is the date of receipt of funds to the account of the Insurer.


4. Rights and obligations of the parties


4.1. The employer has the right to:


demand from the insurer explaining the conditions of obligatory insurance contract;


appeal in the prescribed manner the decision of the Insurer to deny payment of compensation;


with a decrease in the amount of annual salary to receive a portion of insurance premiums in proportion to the amount reduction of the annual salary and not finished contract period of obligatory insurance.


The employer may also have other rights under the law.




4.2. The employer is obliged:


pay a premium under a contract of obligatory insurance and, in some cases, the annuity contract on the terms and procedure established by law;


not later than five working days after resizing annual salary notify the Insurer in writing;


no later than five working days of the change of risk activities carried out by the employer, to notify in writing to the Insurer, and if necessary, to pay the additional insurance premium;


familiarize employees with the terms of obligatory insurance, including clarification of the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract of obligatory insurance;


within two working days from the date of the application in writing to the victim or the assurer to submit all necessary information about the insurer and the insurer under a contract of annuity;


notify in writing the Insurer of the occurrence of an accident at work within three working days from the time when he became aware of it;


inform the Insurer of the excess insurance indemnity if it had been paid unduly as a result of abuse by the victim or the assurer, and take the necessary steps to return the insurer unduly paid funds.


The employer may have other obligations in accordance with the law.




4.3. The Insurer has the right to:


to participate in the investigation of accidents and if needed to involve relevant experts;


verify the information on accidents at work;


to assess the insurance risk for the determination of insurance premiums;


make recommendations to prevent accidents.


The insurer may also have other rights under the law.




4.4. The Insurer is obliged:


To inform the Employer about the terms of contract of obligatory insurance, including clarification of its rights and obligations;


To ensure the confidentiality of information about the employer, and (or) the victim or assurer resulting in from its activities;


if a decision to refuse the payment of compensation not later than fifteen working days after the call of the Employer for the payment of insurance indemnity to inform the Employer with a reasonable justification of the reasons for refusal in writing;


no later than ten working days from the date of submission of all required documents specified in paragraph 34 of the Rules of compulsory employer liability insurance, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 24, 2009 № 177, make a decision and pay the insurance compensation;


in the case of his replacement immediately notify the Employer in writing.


Insurer may have other duties in accordance with the law.




5. Liability of the Parties


5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations assumed under the contract of obligatory insurance, parties are liable in accordance with the law.


6. Arbitration


6.1. All disputes arising under this contract shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by law.




7. Final provisions


7.1. The order of change, cancellation and early termination of this contract, the order of consideration of an insurance claim, the order determining the amount of damages and payment of indemnity under this contract are determined in accordance with the rules of obligatory insurance of civil liability of the employer, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 24, 2009 № 177, which are an integral part of this Contract.


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как текст не имеющий юридической силы пойдёт, для ознакомления так сказать


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Текст из подписанного двуязычного контракта. Извини, штампик юр.службы приложить не могу.


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